On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Manlio Perillo
<manlio.peri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi.
> I'm updating some of my code to SQLALchemy 0.6, and I have noted a
> problem with the sessionmaker function.
> The problem is a compatibility one: old versions use the transactional
> parameter, new ones the autocommit parameter.
> Usually, to handle these problems I use the try/except method:
> try:
>    return orm.sessionmaker(bind=bind, autocommit=autocommit)
> except TypeError:
>    # COMPAT: SQLAlchemy 0.4.x, deprecated in 0.5.x
>    transactional = not autocommit
>    return orm.sessionmaker(bind=bind, transactional=transactional)
> However this does not work, since error is raise only ewhen the actual
> Session instance is created.
> As far as can understand, the sessionmaker function supports keyword
> arguments since user can specify a custom session class to use.
> Can error handling be improved?

How about:

except TypeError:
    # COMPAT: SQLAlchemy 0.4.x, deprecated in 0.5.x
    transactional = not autocommit
    return orm.sessionmaker(bind=bind, transactional=transactional)
    return orm.sessionmaker(bind=bind, autocommit=autocommit)

Creating and disposing a session via create_session() in this way
isn't particularly expensive and won't initiate any database
connections or activity.
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