On Jan 29, 2010, at 7:27 PM, Yannick Gingras wrote:

> Greetings, Alchemists, 
> what's the best way to work with temp tables on Postgres?
> It's fairly easy to have one created:
>  tmp_foo = Table('tmp_foo', 
>                  metadata,
>                  Column('id', Integer, unique=True),
>                  Column('bar', Integer),
>                  prefixes=['TEMPORARY'])
>  tmp_foo.create()
> The problem is that if I am not sure that the table was created, I
> can't use it.  The following:
>  tmp_foo.create(checkfirst=True)
> does not work.  It issues the following SQL that won't find a match
> for temp tables:
>  select relname from pg_class c 
>   join pg_namespace n on n.oid=c.relnamespace 
>   where n.nspname=current_schema() and lower(relname)=%(name)s
> One work around would be to use "ON COMMIT DROP" but I don't now how
> to do that since Table() has no `suffixes` parameter.

from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateTable
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles

def check_temporary(create, compiler, **kw):
    table = create.element
    ret = compiler.visit_create_table(create)
    if 'TEMPORARY' in table._prefixes:
        ret += "ON COMMIT DROP"
    return ret

> While I'm at it, I might as well state the high level problem that
> pushed me to use temp tables.  I'm using Xapian to do full text
> indexing.  Xapian is good to give me a list of document ids that I can
> then retrieve from the database but if I want to apply additional
> criteria, I have to do the filtering on the database side.  On way to
> do that is with a huge IN clause, the other is with a temp table.  I
> like the temp table because I can also use it to order by Xapian
> ranking and do the paging on the alchemy side.  I could also duplicate
> all the criteria on the Xapian side but I want to avoid that if
> possible.

I usually go with the IN clause but I wonder if its possible to write PG stored 
procedures that can get to xapian as well (since you can write them in python 
or any other language).

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