I do this, and the query it spits out in the error works fine in the
postgresql command line, but not in sqlalchemy.


'SELECT DISTINCT cms.niches.title AS cms_niches_title,
cms.niches.niche_id AS cms_niches_niche_id, cms.slugify
(cms.niches.title) AS slug \nFROM cms.niches JOIN cms.dvd_sites_niches
ON cms.niches.niche_id = cms.dvd_sites_niches.niche_id ORDER BY
cms.niches.title ASC'

Here is my function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cms.slugify(character varying)
  RETURNS character varying AS
    import re
    import unicodedata

    value = unicode(args[0])
    value = value.replace("&", "")
    value = value.replace("_", "-")
    value = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", value).encode("ascii",
    value = unicode(re.sub("[^\w\s-]", "", value).strip().lower())
    return  re.sub("[-\s]+", "-", value)

  LANGUAGE 'plpythonu' VOLATILE;

Again the function works in like pgadmin3 etc, but not in sqlalchemy.

On Feb 2, 11:01 am, "Michael Bayer" <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> Andy (Zenom) wrote:
> > I got the server side one created in schema cms, function name is
> > slugify.
> > I am trying to figure out how to let sqlalchemy know about the
> > function and the schema its in.  On postgresql I can do like SELECT
> > cms.slugify(title) FROM cms.tablename, and it returns the slugified
> > title, but to get that in sqlalchemy? Sorry should have been more
> > clear.  I was "assuming" I needed to somehow create my own sqlalchemy
> > function, but havn't found the right answer yet.
> so that's column_property(func.cms.slugify(title)) .
> > On Feb 2, 10:50 am, "Michael Bayer" <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> >> Andy (Zenom) wrote:
> >> > The one thing that is frustrating is it is re-querying the database.
> >> > So if I create a simple server side function how would I do that? I am
> >> > currently using trunk.
> >> how to create the server side function or how to use it from SQLA ? the
> >> column_property() thing is where you'd use func.foo().
> >> > On Feb 2, 8:57 am, Andy <andy.hol...@belator.com> wrote:
> >> >> Thanks, that worked like a charm. Look forward to your PyCon
> >> >> presentation.
> >> >> On Feb 2, 12:56 am, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> >> >> > On Feb 1, 2010, at 9:24 PM, Andy (Zenom) wrote:
> >> >> > > I don't know if my terminology is correct etc. But the basic idea
> >> is
> >> >> > > the following.
> >> >> > > In my model I have something like
> >> >> > > from mylib.helpers import slugify
> >> >> > > class MyModel(Base):
> >> >> > > __tablename__ = "testing"
> >> >> > > id = Column(Integer, primary_key)
> >> >> > > title = Column(Unicode)
> >> >> > > description = Column(Unicode)
> >> >> > > @property
> >> >> > > def slug(self):
> >> >> > > return slugify(self.title)
> >> >> > > Now I want to be able to do something like.
> >> >> > > session.query(MyModel.id, MyModel.title, MyModel.slug).all()
> >> >> > > The table obviously doesn't have a slug column, I just want to
> >> >> return
> >> >> > > my title as a "pseudo-column" named slug, with it passed through
> >> my
> >> >> > > slugify method first.
> >> >> > > I tried to do something like the following:
> >> >> > > @synonym_for("title")
> >> >> > > @property
> >> >> > > def slug(self):
> >> >> > > return slugify(self.title)
> >> >> > > And this did not work. It seems to just return another column
> >> just
> >> >> > > like title (not sent through slugify first). Any idea how I can
> >> do
> >> >> > > what I am looking for?
> >> >> > part of the approach depends on if "slugify" can be defined as a
> >> SQL
> >> >> function or if it must be executed in Python. If the latter, you
> >> >> probably want MyModel.slug to resolve into a column that also defines
> >> >> a custom type.
> >> >> > Assuming its a Python function, note that your column can't be used
> >> >> effectively in a comparison operation, like "MyModel.slug == 'foo'",
> >> >> since the slugify() operation would have to be applied in aggregate.
> >> >> > Anyway assuming non-SQL function, here's a hack I came up with that
> >> >> will do it:
> >> >> > from sqlalchemy import *
> >> >> > from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> >> >> > from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
> >> >> > from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import _UnaryExpression
> >> >> > from sqlalchemy.types import UserDefinedType
> >> >> > Base = declarative_base()
> >> >> > def slugify(text):
> >> >> > return "SLUG !" + text
> >> >> > class MySlugType(UserDefinedType):
> >> >> > def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
> >> >> > return slugify
> >> >> > class MyModel(Base):
> >> >> > __tablename__ = "testing"
> >> >> > id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
> >> >> > title = Column(Unicode)
> >> >> > description = Column(Unicode)
> >> >> > slug = column_property(_UnaryExpression(title,
> >> >> type_=MySlugType()))
> >> >> > engine = create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True)
> >> >> > Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
> >> >> > session = sessionmaker(engine)()
> >> >> > session.add(MyModel(title=u'title', description=u'description'))
> >> >> > session.commit()
> >> >> > print session.query(MyModel.title, MyModel.slug).all()
> >> >> > > --
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