FYI: Upgraded to SQLalchemy 0.5.8

A class produces using __table__ instead of __tablename__ provides the
field names as in the database, not as mapped in the joined objects
(below: x1, x2).  [example: I can use x3.job_id but task_id fails.] And
trying to set columns in the derived class like:

class Action(Base):
    """ An OpenGroupare Task History Info entry """
    __table__           = x3
    object_id = Column('job_history_id')
#    object_id = Column('job_history.job_history_id') ALSO FAILS

Produces the exception: Can't add additional column 'object_id' when
specifying __table__

But (a) I want the aliased names and (b) previous post indicated I would
have to alias the shared column [2].



> -------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import sys
> from sqlalchemy import *
> import sqlalchemy.orm 
> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
> engine = create_engine('postgres://o...@', echo=True)
> Base = declarative_base()
> class x1(Base):
>   __tablename__ = 'job_history'
>   id       = Column('job_history_id', Integer,
> Sequence('key_generator'), primary_key=True)
>   task_id  =  Column('job_id', Integer)
>   actor_id = Column('actor_id', Integer)
>   action   = Column('action', String)
> class x2(Base):
>   __tablename__ = 'job_history_info'
>   _info_id = Column('job_history_info_id', Integer,
> Sequence('key_generator'), primary_key=True)
>   comment  = Column('comment', String)
>   _hist_id = Column('job_history_id', Integer, ForeignKey(
> # ALSO WORKS _hist_id = Column('job_history_id', Integer,
> ForeignKey('job_history.job_history_id'))
> x3 = sqlalchemy.orm.join(x1, x2)
> class Action(Base):
>     """ An OpenGroupare Task History Info entry """
>     __table__           = x3
> Session = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker()
> Session.configure(bind=engine)
> db = Session()
> z = Action()
> z.job_id = 1
> z.comment = 'TEST TEST TEST'
> z.actor_id = 0
> z.action = 'test'
> db.add(z)
> db.commit()
> query = db.query(Action).filter(Action.job_id == 1)
> for a in query.all():
>   print a.comment

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