I am on version 0.5.8.

As far as how upset it is making me: well, I certainly have no right
to demand this very nice, free software be enhanced or changed: I'm
just grateful for it.

We will be supporting clients on webservers that are removed by a long
distance from the database server, so I would like to limit the round
trips as much as is feasible...

I've taken out most everything and left the logic in a simple case to
create the behavior.  Here is the script that will demonstrate:


from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

engine = create_engine('postgres://dbuser:dbu...@localhost:5444/
metadata = MetaData()
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

order_table = Table("orders", metadata,
    Column("orderid", Unicode, primary_key=True)

orderdetail_table = Table("orderdetails",metadata,
    Column("orderid", Unicode, ForeignKey('orders.orderid'),
    Column("lineid", Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column("saleprice", Numeric, nullable=False)

class Order(object):

class OrderDetail(object):

order_mapper = mapper(Order, order_table,

orderdetail_mapper = mapper(OrderDetail, orderdetail_table)


o.orderid = '0206001A134'  #this order exists in the database - You'll
need to set add it to the DB

line1=OrderDetail()         #line exists in database - You'll need to
set add it to the DB
line1.orderid = '0206001A134'
line1.lineid = '15'

line2=OrderDetail()         #new line does not exist in database
line2.orderid = '0206001A134'

o.orderdetails = [line1, line2]

# Question a above - the following merge results in 3 SELECT
statements, but the first
# is an eagerly loaded query joined with orderdetails.  So, unless the
JOIN returned fewer rows
# (for example, an inner join instead of outer was used), all the
orderdetails should
# already be in existence as persistent objects:

merged in session.new    #this order exists in the database

merged.orderdetails[0] in session.new  # already in database (in new =

merged.orderdetails[1] in session.new  # not yet in database (in new =

# Question b:
# Why does this issue another select?  The object should have been
eagerly loaded,
# but even if not that, it was later reSELECTED during the merge()

# Question c:
# Are there databases that allow part of a primary key to be undefined
# That is a foreign concept to me, so I expected this object would
realize it
# needn't query the database.


Thanks in advance,


On Feb 8, 9:57 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Kent wrote:
> > Ok, here are my questions:
> > a) The merge eagerloads the order, along with its lines, but then,
> > directly afterward, issues two additional SELECT statements for the
> > two lines, even though these were already eagerly-loaded.  That
> > surprised me.  Why is that occurring?
> I dont know.  I would need more than code fragments to reproduce your 
> behavior.   (nor do I know what version you're on).   It doesn't reproduce 
> with a simple test.
> > b) When I ask for the property .saleprice on the order line, another
> > SELECT statement is issued.  Why does that occur when it was eagerly
> > loaded already?
> Same.  If the value is in __dict__ it would not issue another load.
> > c) In the case of line2, can SQLAlchemy be made to realize that part
> > of the primary key is not set and therefore there is no reason to
> > attempt a fetch from the database?  It already detected this was a new
> > record during the merge.
> the "fetch for None", meaning issuing a fetch when the primary key was 
> completely None, was resolved in a recent 0.5 version, probably 0.5.8.  
> However, a partial primary key is considered to be valid.   There is a flag 
> on the mapper() called allow_null_pks=True which in 0.5 is set to False by 
> default - it means that partial primary key is not valid.    That flag is not 
> in fact checked by merge() in this case, which is because the flag was 
> already being removed in 0.6 by the time this fix went into place.    The 
> flag only led to confusion over and over again when users mapped to 
> outerjoins, and didn't receive rows.   Whereas nobody ever complained about 
> merge issuing a load for None as a key - the issue was fixed because I 
> noticed it myself.   So you're the first person to ever complain about it, 
> which is unfortunate since it may have led to a different path for the 
> allow_null_pks flag.   I dont like the flag very much since its obscure and 
> nobody really ever used it unless I told them to directly.   The only other 
> way would be for the mapper to "guess" if nulls are allowed in the primary 
> key based on the type of table/join structure its mapped to.  So it depends 
> on how upset this behavior is making you if I really need to find some way 
> for it to differentiate between None-capable primary keys or not.
> > Thanks in advance.
> > Kent
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