On Feb 17, 2010, at 12:27 PM, Hermann Himmelbauer wrote:

> Hi,
> I have the following many to one relation:
> - A bank account table (acc)
> - An Interest rate table, which relates to the account table. Colums are an 
> ID, a rate (decimal), a date and a flag outlining if the interest rate is 
> credit or debit ('H' / 'S')
> - One account may have multiple interest rates (one to many)
> What I now want is to retrieve the most recent (the current valid) interest 
> rate for a specific account. For now, I did this like this:
> mapper_acc = mapper(Acc, table_acc, properties = {
>    # Current debit irate
>    'current_debit_irate': relation(
>        IRate, order_by = table_irate.c.date.desc(),
>        uselist = False, primaryjoin = and_(
>            table_acc.c.accid == table_irate.c.accid,
>            table_irate.c.type == "S"),
>            cascade="all")
> })
> This works but is very inefficient, as this mapper seems to read in all 
> interest rate objects despite I use "uselist=False", which is slow. So I 
> wonder if it's possible to optimize this in some way so that SQLAlchemy 
> constructs some specific SQL, something like:
> "select * from irates where irateid = (select irateid, max(date) from irates 
> where accid = 123 and type = 'S' group by date)"

Here, you'd build the query representing the "max()" for your related item, 
then create a "non-primary" mapper which maps "IRate" to it.  Build your 
relation then using that nonprimary mapper as the target.  I think i just 
showed this to someone on this list about a week ago.

iratealias = irate.alias()
i.e. irate_select = select(irate).where(irate.c.id=select([iratealias.c.id, 

irate_mapper = mapper(IRate, irate_select, non_primary=True)
mapper(Acc, acc, properties={"current_irate", relation(irate_mapper)})

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