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Michael Bayer ha scritto:
> [...]
>> so what I had in mind is that, if its given a join as the left side, 
>> it just does the "natural" thing, i.e. joins to the right.
>> If the "natural" join isn't available, then it does its usual
>> search through the whole thing.

What do you mean by "natural join isn't available"?
There is no direct foreign key relationship between the left and the
right side of the join?

>> I think _match_primaries could, right before it raises its message,

Since we are speaking about _match_primaries, I'm curious to know why
the implementation is:

def _match_primaries(self, primary, secondary):
    global sql_util
    if not sql_util:
        from sqlalchemy.sql import util as sql_util
    return sql_util.join_condition(primary, secondary)

What is the need for a sql_util to be global?

>> just ask "well is this particular foreign key the rightmost join on
>> the left side" and then its good.

Non sure to understand what you have in mind, here.

Do you mean that the checks:
`if len(crit) == 0` and `len(constraints) > 1` should not be done by the
util.join_condition, and instead:

1) `_match_primaries` method will call `util.join_condition`, using the
   rightmost join on the left side (as in my patch)
2) if len(crit) == 0, then it will call `util.join_condition` again, but
   this time using the left side of the join, as is


>> to get non-default behavior, as always you'd specify the on clause.
>> which you'd have to do anyway even without the natural feature if you
>> wanted to join....unnaturally.

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