Hopefully this won't just be a section in the manual I missed, but I'm
having some difficulties constructing an ORM query while using correlated
sub-queries within filter().  This is with SA 0.5.8.

Given the following tables (with just the relevant columns shown):

    attendance (            
        class_id integer,   
        start_time timestamp

    registrations (
        class_id integer,
        first_class date,
        last_class date

with mapped classes Attendance and Registration, I'd like to construct a
query resulting in the SQL:

    select distinct attendance.start_time
    from attendance
    where attendance.class_id = :id: and
          cast(attendance.start_time as date) between :start: and :end: and
*         (select count(*) from attendance a1
*          where a1.class_id = attendance.class_id and
*                a1.start_time = attendance.start_time) =
*         (select count(*) from registrations r
*          where r.class_id = attendance.class_id and
*                cast(attendance.start_time as date) between
*                r.first_class and r.last_class)
    order by attendance.start_time;

(Where :id:, :start:, and :end: are parameters in the code).

That is, I'm retrieving unique attendance start times for a specific
class and date range, for which there are an equal number of
attendance and registration records.  An attendance record is for a
single start timestamp but a registration record covers a date range.

The basic query (no sub-query clause) is no problem, as (self.s is
current SA session):

    q = (self.s.query(Attendance.start_time).distinct().
         filter(Attendance.class_id == self.class_.class_id).
         filter(sql.between(sql.cast(Attendance.start_time, DATE),
                            self.start_date, last_class)).

The issue comes trying to include the additional where clause with the
sub-queries.  Amidst other attempts to include the sub-queries
directly in the above statement, I've also separated out the
sub-queries as:

    att_alias = aliased(Attendance)
    att = (self.s.query(sql.func.count(att_alias.child_id)).
           filter(att_alias.class_id == Attendance.class_id).
           filter(att_alias.start_time == Attendance.start_time))

    reg = (self.s.query(sql.func.count(Registration.child_id)).
           filter(Registration.class_id == Attendance.class_id).
           filter(sql.between(sql.cast(Attendance.start_time, DATE),

If needed, I've tested using correlate() to the att query to match up
the references to attendance, in case incorporating it properly into
the main statement didn't correlate it automatically (which I figured
it would).

But various attempts to use these queries in a filter() portion of the
original query always result ArgumentError exception that "filter()
argument must be of type sqlalchemy.sql.ClauseElement or string"

I figured I'm missing some magic method to permit turning "att == reg"
into a ClauseElemnt somehow, but my attempts so far haven't worked.  So
for the moment I'm supplying the additional sub-query clause as pure

Is this possible at the ORM layer, or do I need to drop down to the
SQL layer in some way for that part of the clause?

The examples I've been able to find of correlated sub-queries in the
ORM all seem to approach the problem as a join issue, but I'd prefer
to stick with the above SQL target if possible, which yields a
significantly more efficient execution plan (though granted, that may
be ephemeral over time).  Even if I do change to joins later, I figure
it's worth identifying how to do the above, if it's possible.


-- David

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