I've got a column defined as this:

    Column("cost", Numeric, nullable=False)

In Oracle, it seems I can't take advantage of the Decimal() class.  I
get rounding errors as if using float instead of Decimal, see output
for Oracle vs. Postgres.....

************Oracle 8i (use_ansi=False):

>>> itl.cost
>>> itl.cost = Decimal('5.99')
>>> DBSession.flush()
16:21:48,090 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...4c10] UPDATE
inventorytransactions SET cost=:cost WHERE
inventorytransactions.transactionid = :inventorytransactions_tr_1
16:21:48,090 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...4c10]
{'inventorytransactions_tr_1': 'AAAFD2AAEAAACN/AAA', 'cost':


>>> DBSession.flush()
16:30:03,357 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...4ad0] UPDATE
inventorytransactions SET cost=%(cost)s WHERE
inventorytransactions.transactionid = %
16:30:03,357 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...4ad0] {'cost':
Decimal('5.99'), 'inventorytransactions_transactionid': 'A'}

Am I doing something wrong?

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