
I'm using SQLAlchemy on a heavily threaded env - something like 30~40
threads working with SQLAlchemy objects.
What you need to watchout is:

* Eager load objects - getting nasty lazyload exceptions is not funny
* Take off the objects from the session and, if you need to use them
later, merge to the current thread session - i did this because i had
some "object-is-already-on-session-foobar" exception
* Don't forget to use scoped_session

Beside those two points, working with threaded apps is quite easy with
SQLAlchemy. :)

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Matthew Williams <mgwilli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you, Simon, for clarifying this and pointing out that part of the
> SQLAlchemy docs... somehow I missed that part :-).
> On Mar 26, 2010, at 7:30 AM, King Simon-NFHD78 wrote:
>> I think that point should be clarified, so that people don't later come
>> across this post and just accept it without understanding.
>> I imagine that SQLALchemy is used in a lot of threaded applications. For
>> example, it is the recommended ORM in web frameworks such as Pylons and
>> TurboGears, which work fine in threaded environments. However, typically
>> in these libraries a web request is handled by a single thread, and all
>> the SQLAlchemy operations occur within the scope of that request. As
>> long as you don't share a Session instance between the threads, you
>> won't have any problems. SQLAlchemy provides a ScopedSession class which
>> helps in these situations, as you can call the constructor many times on
>> a single thread and always get the session instance back for that
>> thread. Sessions themselves aren't thread-safe.
>> When an instance is loaded from the database, it is linked to the
>> session that loaded it. This means that when you have lazy-loading
>> properties on that instance (such as related classes, or deferred column
>> properties), they will be automatically loaded when they are accessed,
>> in the same session.
>> This will cause a problem if you load an instance in thread A, hand the
>> object off to thread B, and then thread B accesses one of these
>> lazy-loading properties. The load will occur in thread A's session,
>> which might be in the middle of doing something else.
>> The solution to this is either to eager-load all the attributes you
>> think you are going to need before handing the instance off to another
>> thread (difficult), or (probably better) to detach (expunge) the
>> instance from thread A's session. Thread B should then merge the object
>> into its own session (using the load=False flag so that it doesn't
>> needlessly requery the database).
>> The Session docs at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/session.html explain
>> the lifecycle of loaded instances.
>> I haven't actually done any of this - I've only ever used SA from TG and
>> command-line scripts, but I think the principles are about right. I hope
>> that helps,
>> Simon
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Fernando Takai

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