Hi Masetto,

On 26/03/2010 17:43, masetto wrote:
First of all, thanks for your answer :)
You are welcome.

#   defInst.PlatformRel = [platf]    # change this to
platf.definitions = defInst

I don't have any "definitions" attribute within the PlatformClass, i suppose you mean the foreign key, isnt'it?
Yes you do:)

You have/had this in your model:
PlatformRel = relation(PlatformClass, backref="definitions")

"backref" creates a relation called "definitions" in the PlatformClass.
That is

platf.platformId_fk = defInst

However, this results in another error:

sqlalchemy.exc.InterfaceError: (InterfaceError) Error binding parameter 1 - probably unsupported type. u'INSERT INTO platform (platform, "definitionId_fk") VALUES (?, ?)' ['Microsoft Windows 2000', <ORM_Classes.DefinitionClass object at 0x8f5278c>]

I've played a little with it, then i've moved the relation() from DefinitionClass to PlatformClass:

class PlatformClass(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'platform'

    platformId = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    platform = Column(String)

platformId_fk = Column('definitionId_fk', Integer, ForeignKey('definitions.defId'))
    PlatformRel = relation(DefinitionClass, backref="platform")

and then:

platf.PlatformRel = defInst

Now i got the expected data! It WORKS :P Thanks Werner!
I think it should have worked the other way round too. But frankly I am not an expert on SA, nor am I too comfortable just looking at code fragments in an email.

But, i need to understand.. why now it's working?

From the doc:

"We are also free... to define the relationship() <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/reference/orm/mapping.html#sqlalchemy.orm.relationship> only on one class and not the other. It is also possible to define two separate relationship() <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/reference/orm/mapping.html#sqlalchemy.orm.relationship> constructs for either direction, which is generally safe for many-to-one and one-to-many relationships, but not for many-to-many relationships."

Maybe i don't have well understood the role of the relation()/relationship() function but, shouldn't be the same thing to define the relation() within the DefinitionClass? I've only changed the location of the relation() and now it works.
Can you kindly better explain me the role of the relationship() function?

Let me try and I hope that others will jump in if I say something misleading.

relationship() (or its old but still valid equivalent relation()) or the new name relationship() allow you to define relationships between two tables.

You could do it in one of the two table like this (this is what I do most of the time):
define it in PlatformClass:
PlatformRel = relation(DefinitionClass, backref="platform") - this sets up both relationships from PlatformClass to DefinitionClass (a one-to-many) and from DefinitionClass to PlatformClass (a many-to-one).

or you could "turn it around" and define it in DefinitionClass:
DefinitionRel = relation(PlatfromClass, backref="definitions")

or do it in both tables like this:
PlatformRel = relation(DefinitionClass) - sets up the one-to-many
DefinitionRel = relation(PlatformClass) - sets up the many-to-one

Mmm... please correct me if i'm wrong:

- "The relationship between the User and Address classes is defined separately using the relationship() <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/reference/orm/mapping.html#sqlalchemy.orm.relationship> function"
    OK, and is the only way to define a relation between two tables.

- If i put relationship() in both classes i got a *bidirectional* relationship
Or use "backref"

- "Because of the *placement* of the foreign key, from Address to User it is *many to one*..." !!! Oh, is this the point, right? If, in the same class, i define a foreign key AND a relationship() i create a many to one relation with the linked table

- "..., and from User to Address it is *one to many*" - This is valid only in the bidirectional case or it's "automatic" when i declare somewhere foreign key + relationship() ?
Defining the foreign key does NOT setup/define a relation().

- Initially i've defined the foreign key in the PlatformClass and the relation() in the DefinitionClass. Which type of relation i've created in that way?
It does really not matter in which class you define the relation(). What type it will be I showed higher up, but you should also look at "uselist" in relationship() doc.

You might also want to look at the doc of:

I hope it helps and didn't cause more confusion.


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