> ScopedSession is a class that implements __call__().    An instance of 
> ScopedSession then maintains a reference to a thread local object, which in 
> turn references individual Session objects.   So if "ss" is a ScopedSession 
> instance, calling ss() (i.e. its __call__() method) returns the current 
> thread's Session.   In this way ScopedSession mimics a "constructor", and an 
> existing application which says "sess = Session(); sess.query(Foo)" can 
> transparently be made to use a thread-scoped session by changing the meaning 
> of the identifier "Session".
> The second part of the story is that people found it tedious to say sess = 
> Session(); sess.query(Foo) all the time to perform an operation on the 
> current thread's session, so a __getattr__()-like scheme was added  which 
> compresses those two steps into one, meaning 
> <some_scoped_session>.<some_Session_method>() equates to "sess = Session(); 
> return sess.<some_Session_method>()".  But what this also means is, like the 
> case of __call__(), an application which currently uses a single global 
> Session to do everything, i.e. "session.query(Foo)" throughout, can also 
> transparently be made to use a thread-scoped session by changing the meaning 
> of the identifier "session".

This is the best explanation I have read on this topic! Thanks for
writing it! Now I clearly see what is going on.

Just one more thing - when should remove() be called? (if at all)

Peteris Krumins

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