Another beta!  In this release I added one more significant change, hence we'll 
give it some time as "beta".   The feature is known as "subquery eager 
loading", and it is a built-in version of the "disjoint eager loading" example 
at - 
related collections are loaded in a separate execute call, but still using a 
JOIN upwards to the parent query so that the collections contents for the full 
set of parent objects is loaded at once.   This improves on the existing 
"joined" eager loading by removing the full parent columns from the query and 
allowing the usage of an inner join in all cases.    The still-existing 
"eagerload" and "eagerload_all" functions have new names as "joinedload" and 
"joinedload_all", and are joined by "subqueryload" and "subqueryload_all", and 
the "lazy" argument on relationship() now accepts the names "select", "joined", 
 "subquery", "noload" and "dynamic" (as well as the old True/False/None values).

The construction of subqueryload led to a handful of additional fixes to Query 
involving difficult self-referential joining scenarios and some behavior of 
query options.

Thanks to everyone for testing the existing betas so far, 0.6beta1 had over 10K 
downloads and beta2 around 2K.

Download SQLAlchemy 0.6beta3 at:


- orm
  - Major feature: Added new "subquery" loading capability to 
    relationship().   This is an eager loading option which
    generates a second SELECT for each collection represented
    in a query, across all parents at once.  The query 
    re-issues the original end-user query wrapped in a subquery,
    applies joins out to the target collection, and loads 
    all those collections fully in one result, similar to 
    "joined" eager loading but using all inner joins and not 
    re-fetching full parent rows repeatedly (as most DBAPIs seem 
    to do, even if columns are skipped).   Subquery loading is 
    available at mapper config level using "lazy='subquery'" and 
    at the query options level using "subqueryload(props..)", 
    "subqueryload_all(props...)".  [ticket:1675]

  - To accomodate the fact that there are now two kinds of eager 
    loading available, the new names for eagerload() and 
    eagerload_all() are joinedload() and joinedload_all().  The 
    old names will remain as synonyms for the foreseeable future.
  - The "lazy" flag on the relationship() function now accepts 
    a string argument for all kinds of loading: "select", "joined",
    "subquery", "noload" and "dynamic", where the default is now
    "select".  The old values of True/
    False/None still retain their usual meanings and will remain
    as synonyms for the foreseeable future.

  - Added with_hint() method to Query() construct.  This calls
    directly down to select().with_hint() and also accepts
    entities as well as tables and aliases.  See with_hint() in the 
    SQL section below. [ticket:921]
  - Fixed bug in Query whereby calling q.join(prop).from_self(...).
    join(prop) would fail to render the second join outside the
    subquery, when joining on the same criterion as was on the 

  - Fixed bug in Query whereby the usage of aliased() constructs
    would fail if the underlying table (but not the actual alias) 
    were referenced inside the subquery generated by 
    q.from_self() or q.select_from().
  - Fixed bug which affected all eagerload() and similar options 
    such that "remote" eager loads, i.e. eagerloads off of a lazy
    load such as query(A).options(eagerload(A.b, B.c))
    wouldn't eagerload anything, but using eagerload("b.c") would
    work fine.

  - Query gains an add_columns(*columns) method which is a multi-
    version of add_column(col).  add_column(col) is future 

  - Query.join() will detect if the end result will be 
    "FROM A JOIN A", and will raise an error if so.

  - Query.join(Cls.propname, from_joinpoint=True) will check more
    carefully that "Cls" is compatible with the current joinpoint,
    and act the same way as Query.join("propname", from_joinpoint=True)
    in that regard.
- sql
   - Added with_hint() method to select() construct.  Specify
     a table/alias, hint text, and optional dialect name, and
     "hints" will be rendered in the appropriate place in the 
     statement.  Works for Oracle, Sybase, MySQL.  [ticket:921]
   - Fixed bug introduced in 0.6beta2 where column labels would 
     render inside of column expressions already assigned a label.

- postgresql
   - The psycopg2 dialect will log NOTICE messages via the
     "sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql" logger name. 

   - the TIME and TIMESTAMP types are now availble from the
     postgresql dialect directly, which add the PG-specific
     argument 'precision' to both.   'precision' and 
     'timezone' are correctly reflected for both TIME and 
     TIMEZONE types. [ticket:997]

- mysql
   - No longer guessing that TINYINT(1) should be BOOLEAN
     when reflecting - TINYINT(1) is returned.  Use Boolean/
     BOOLEAN in table definition to get boolean conversion
     behavior.  [ticket:1752]
- oracle
   - The Oracle dialect will issue VARCHAR type definitions
     using character counts, i.e. VARCHAR2(50 CHAR), so that
     the column is sized in terms of characters and not bytes.
     Column reflection of character types will also use
     ALL_TAB_COLUMNS.DATA_LENGTH.  Both of these behaviors take
     effect when the server version is 9 or higher - for 
     version 8, the old behaviors are used.  [ticket:1744]

- declarative
   - Using a mixin won't break if the mixin implements an 
     unpredictable __getattribute__(), i.e. Zope interfaces.

   - Using @classdecorator and similar on mixins to define 
     __tablename__, __table_args__, etc. now works if
     the method references attributes on the ultimate 
     subclass. [ticket:1749]
   - relationships and columns with foreign keys aren't 
     allowed on declarative mixins, sorry.  [ticket:1751]

- ext
    - The sqlalchemy.orm.shard module now becomes an extension,
      sqlalchemy.ext.horizontal_shard.   The old import 
      works with a deprecation warning.

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