On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 19:32, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> Bo Shi wrote:
>>> pep 249 specifies "list of tuples" for fetchmany() and fetchall()
>> Hrm, pep-249 seems to only specify "sequence" and "sequence of
>> sequences" for the fetch*() functions, specifying list of tuples only
>> as one possible example.  Perhaps the C implementation of RowProxy is
>> being too strict here?  I'm surprised that pyodbc is the only dbapi
>> implementation that this problem has occurred in... do all the other
>> implementations subclass tuple for their rows?
> we run the tests all the time with Pyodbc, so I wasn't aware this was a
> pyodbc issue.   I'd run without the c extensions for now.   For our C
> extension to coerce into a tuple begins to add overhead and defeat the
> purpose of using the extensions in the first place, though Gaetan would
> have to answer this question.

Supporting arbitrary sequences is cheaper than I expected (you pay
more than previously only if the sequence is neither a tuple nor a
list), so now we are still fast for usual DBAPIs and hopefully don't
break on odd stuff (as long as it is a sequence).

Gaëtan de Menten

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