Michael Bayer wrote:
I reworked your mixin system in rae3ec57eea8c to fully traverse all of
cls.__mro__ every time and to be very explicit about rules for the current
class vs. classes that we definitely know are mixins.   So the above works
as well as if you just put the ComputedMapperArgs on the base (which is
probably preferable here).

Cool, thanks for this...

I updated http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/DeclarativeMixins basde on your code and against the test suite I have for that recipe here.

Incidentally, with the code in the recipe, this works:

class Report(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'report'
    __table_args__ = {'mysql_engine':'InnoDB'}

    python_type = Column(String(64))

    def __mapper_args__(cls):
        if cls.__name__=='Feed':
            return dict(polymorphic_on=cls.python_type)
            return dict(polymorphic_identity=cls.__name__)

class AReport(Report):

It doesn't on current trunk/tip/whatever, based on this testcase:

def test_mapper_args_classproperty_three(self):

    class Person(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'people'
        id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        discriminator = Column('type', String(50))
        def __mapper_args__(cls):
            if cls.__name__=='Person':
                return dict(polymorphic_on=cls.discriminator)
                return dict(polymorphic_identity=cls.__name__)

    class Engineer(Person):


    assert class_mapper(Person).polymorphic_on is \
    eq_(class_mapper(Engineer).polymorphic_identity, 'Engineer')

...but I guess that's okay :-)

Now, the only test I can't get to work with the mixin recipe is

I see how you've fixed this for 0.6, but it makes me wonder why the __table_args__ check is there at all? They're essentially benign, right? (since in the test case above, it really doesn't make sense for Specific to have __table_args__ inside _as_declarative... I can't think of a test case where it would be problematic...)



no thanks needed, feel free to divert .0001 pence of every transaction
onto our Paypal link.... :)

I'll see what I can do ;-)

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