Michael Bayer wrote:
jo wrote:
Here another difference between Oracle and PostgreSQL
The SQLAlchemy.func.max() on a column date, returns a datetime.date in
pg but a datetime.datetime in oracle...
Why this difference?

Oracle doesn't have a "date" type.    this is another thing the types
system smoothes out (can't speak for 0.3 though).

If you're using Oracle, I can't recommend upgrading to 0.6 more strongly -
Oracle was an almost completely untested alpha dialect in 0.3 and has
continued to have major issues throughout 0.5, until we finally had the
resources to get 100% test coverage in 0.6.
I would love to upgrade to 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, but I can't.

I was using heavily the column_prefix and my code is full of it, as in:

       column_prefix = 'anagrafica_',
       properties = {
           'comune'         : relation( Comune, primaryjoin  = tbl['anagrafica'].c.id_comune == tbl['comune'].c.id ),
           'nazione'        : relation( Nazione, primaryjoin = tbl['anagrafica'].c.cod_cittadinanza == tbl['nazione'].c.codic...
           'comune_nascita' : relation( Comune, primaryjoin  = tbl['anagrafica'].c.id_comune_nascita == tbl['comune'].c.id),
           'nazione_nascita': relation( Nazione, primaryjoin = tbl['anagrafica'].c.cod_nazione_nascita == tbl['nazione'].c.co...
           'professione'    : relation( Professione ),
           'titolo_studio'  : relation( TitoloStudio ),

and again I was using
from sqlalchemy.ext.selectresults import SelectResults
and I see these things are incompatible with new releases.

I tried more than once, migrating to 0.4 but at end I had to give up because new releases are to different.


take a look:

Bolletta = Table('bolletta', database.metadata,
    Column('id',   Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True),
    Column('data', Date)

postgres session                                               | oracle
In [1]: from sqlalchemy import select, func                    | In [1]:
from sqlalchemy import select, func
In [2]: select([Bolletta.c.data]).execute().scalar()           | In [2]:
SELECT bolletta.data FROM bolletta                             | SELECT
bolletta.data FROM bolletta
Out[2]: datetime.date(2007, 12, 31)                            | Out[2]:
datetime.date(2010, 4, 7)
In [3]: select([func.max(Bolletta.c.data)]).execute().scalar() | In [3]:
SELECT max(bolletta.data) FROM bolletta                        | SELECT
max(bolletta.data) FROM bolletta
Out[3]: datetime.date(2010, 4, 7)                              | Out[3]:
*datetime.datetime(*2010, 4, 7, 0, 0),)


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