On Apr 7, 9:29 pm, "Michael Bayer" <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> Tvrtko wrote:
> > I have a schema that cannot be changed. In it, there is a table with
> > two columns:
> >     element_type CHAR(1)
> >     element_id INTEGER
> > There is no foreign key on element_id because it can point to
> > different, unrelated
> > tables (element_type) says where element_id points to.
> > How can I model this in sqlalchemy?
> this is a rails-style "polymorphic association" (note that Hibernate calls
> it this as well:  "The <any> mapping element defines a polymorphic
> association to classes from multiple tables.").  See the example
> examples/poly_assoc/poly_assoc.py in the distro as well as the discussion
> athttp://techspot.zzzeek.org/?p=13.

Thanks. It s good to know that I can just pretend that there are
foreign keys between the tables. This actually helps in more cases
than just this one!

> > I know how to load and store element using property:
> >     def _get_element(self):
> >         if self.need_element_reload():
> >             clazz = self.get_class_from_type(self._element_type)
> >             self._element =
> > object_session(self).query(clazz).get(self.element_id)
> >         return self._element
> >     def _set_element(self, element):
> >         self._element_type = self.get_type_from_instance(element)
> >         self._element_id = element.id if element else None
> >         self._element = element
> >     element = property(_get_element, _set_element)
> > But this is not good enough. For example, if I create new element
> > which
> > is not yet flushed, there is no id. Normally, sqlalchemy knows about
> > relationships and finishes the foreign key column assignment
> > once the pointed-to id is known. How can I model this type of
> > relationship so that sqlalchemy will do the right thing
> > (assign element_id in a flush process, or more generally behave
> > like this is a normal relationship).
> > I'm not sure if I explained it correctly, so I'll just mention that
> > hibernate has <any> element that can do just that.
> > Thanks,
> > Tvrtko

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