Hello. Recently I have been working on this environment:
linux + pyodbc + sqlalchemy 5.8 + ms sql server.
In the program, I try to build a mapper from a db table to my python
class,  then I instatiate the class, and try to use session.add() to
insert record to database.
However, I need to have "alter any schema" permission in order to make
it through,
If I do not have this permission, I will get
File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\databases\mssql.py",
line 954, in pre_exec
ProgrammingError: ('42000', '[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server
Driver][SQL Server]Cannot find the object "Sources" because it does
not exist or you do not have permissions. (1088) (SQLExecDirectW)')

wondering is If there is any other way to work around this issue,
assuming no "alter any schema" permission given.


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