SQLite uses the "singleton thread pool" by default which shares one connection 
per thread.    This so that a :memory: connection works as expected.     
There's a good deal of discussion and advice on this topic at 

On Apr 15, 2010, at 5:41 PM, NickPerkins wrote:

> I am using SQLite.
> I can see the COMMIT, and there is only one.
> The SQL log shows that the COMMIT is immediately followed
> by a retrieve of the same row, but it's retrieving a value
> that was flushed ( but not committed ) from a different session!
> So, are these 2 sessions connected to the same database session?
> (I was assuming they have a separate database session)
> Are my 2 sessions somehow connected?
> I was thinking that they are completely separate,
> but maybe they are not?
> On Apr 15, 12:21 pm, Conor <conor.edward.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> NickPerkins wrote:
>>> Just when I thought I understood the Session object, I found this
>>> behavior:
>>> ( I am starting to think about concurrency and locking )
>>> I create 2 sessions, and load each with the same ( persisted ) object.
>>> The objects appear to be independent, even after both sessions have
>>> flushed,
>>> but when I commit one session, it suddenly picks up the change from
>>> the other session!
>>> This is confusing me!
>>> What is going on here?
>>> ( my business object is a "Policy", and column "test" is not the PK )
>>> class PolicyNotFoundException(Exception):
>>>     pass
>>> def open_policy(key):
>>>     session = Session()
>>>     try:
>>>         policy = session.query(Policy).filter_by(key=key).all()[0]
>>>         return policy, session
>>>     except:
>>>         raise PolicyNotFoundException
>>> def test_concurrent_updates():
>>>     policy1,session1 = open_policy('NICK')
>>>     policy2,session2 = open_policy('NICK') # retrieves on pk...gets
>>> same record
>>>     assert( policy1 != policy2 )
>>>     assert( session1 != session2 )
>>>     assert( policy1 in session1 )
>>>     assert( policy1 not in session2 )
>>>     assert( policy2 in session2 )
>>>     assert( policy2 not in session1 )
>>>     policy1.test = 'ONE'
>>>     session1.flush()
>>>     policy2.test = 'TWO'
>>>     session2.flush()
>>>     assert( policy1.test == 'ONE' ) # not affected by flush of session
>>> 2
>>>     session1.commit()
>>>     assert( policy1.test == 'TWO' ) #  really?
>> I see two possible explanations:
>>    1. (More likely) You are using a database that does not support
>>       transactions (e.g. MySQL with MyISAM tables). If this is the case,
>>       every insert/update/delete is immediately visible to other DB
>>       connections. In this case, assert(policy1.test == 'ONE') succeeds
>>       because the policy1 object has a cached value for its 'test'
>>       attribute. If you had put session1.expire(policy1)) between
>>       session2.flush() and assert(policy1.test == 'ONE'), the assertion
>>       would fail. Since session1.commit() expires every object in
>>       session1, policy1 will then pick up the new value from the DB.
>>    2. Your sessions have autocommit enabled on your sessions. I think
>>       SQLAlchemy would auto-expire objects in this case (causing
>>       assert(policy1.test == 'ONE') to fail), but I'm not sure.
>> I would recommend that you enable SQL logging on your engine so you can
>> observe exactly when policy1 fetches the new values from the DB, and
>> when COMMITs are getting issued to the DB.
>> -Conor
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