On Apr 18, 10:43 pm, Randy Syring <ra...@rcs-comp.com> wrote:
> So, this seems like a relatively common paradigm and I was hoping
> someone might already know of a library or example application for
> using SA to accomplish this.  I am looking for something akin to
> Rail's acts_as_cutomizable plugin (http://github.com/trappist/
> acts_as_customizable) for SA.

The pattern is actually called an entity-attribute-value model.
an example implementation with an EAV table in SQLAlchemy
examples. [1]

Depending on your particular circumstances you might want to use
an alternate implementation. Things that might affect your decision
are the distribution of values, datatype requirements, what kinds of
queries are required, what features the database engine supports.
I have a PostgreSQL hstore based implementation somewhere,
but I can't find it right now.

 [1] http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/browser/examples/vertical

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