Hi there,

I have seen some basic examples online showing that SQLAlchemy
supports "twophase = True" for some databases.

My question is I am needing to use this sort of functionality with 2
SQLite databases, does SQLAlchemy support SQLite two phase commits?

So here is some basic code

            engine_1 = create_engine('sqlite:///queue_1.db')
            engine_2 = create_engine('sqlite:///queue_2.db')

            metadata_1 = MetaData(engine_1)
            queue_one = Table('Queue_1', metadata_1, autoload=True)
            mapper(Queue_1, queue_one)

            metadata_2 = MetaData(engine_2)
            queue_two = Table('Queue_2', metadata_2, autoload=True)
            mapper(Queue_2, queue_two)

            Session = sessionmaker(twophase=True)
            session = Session()

            #Work with the session...


Also, can someone please let me know how I can work with the session
properly here when using a two phase commit using SQLite? If I run the

message = session.query(Queue_1).filter(queue_one.c.ID ==

The above line works fine without a two phase commit, why when I run
it now does it raise a "NotImplementedError" in "base.py"?

def do_begin_twophase(self, connection, xid):
        """Begin a two phase transaction on the given connection."""

        raise NotImplementedError()

Any help will be greatly appreciated ;-)

Kind regards


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