OK the issue here is entirely un-subtle and its a little weird that none of the 
tests we have hit upon it.  this is fixed in tip.

On May 3, 2010, at 12:06 PM, Kent Bower wrote:

> Note that this was ok in 0.5.8, so it must have been something related to 
> 0.6...
> On 5/3/2010 12:04 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
>> You can file a ticket for this but note that not everything is possible with 
>> use_ansi=False.   that mode of operation is somewhat miraculous that it even 
>> exists.   this may be a trivial issue but I cant assert that until I've had 
>> time to study it.
>> On May 3, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Kent wrote:
>>> The following script works as expected (also in 0.5.8) with
>>> use_ansi=True.  However, with use_ansi=False, the SQL is ill-formed:
>>> ===============================================================
>>> from sqlalchemy import *
>>> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
>>> engine = create_engine('oracle://arc:a...@localhost:1521/xe?
>>> use_ansi=False',echo=True)
>>> metadata = MetaData()
>>> Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
>>> session = Session()
>>> orders_table = Table("orders", metadata,
>>>    Column("orderid", Unicode, primary_key=True)
>>> )
>>> orderdetails_table = Table("orderdetails",metadata,
>>>    Column("orderid", Unicode, ForeignKey('orders.orderid'),
>>> primary_key=True),
>>>    Column("lineid", Integer, primary_key=True),
>>>    Column("saleprice", Numeric, nullable=False),
>>>    Column("qtyordered",Numeric)
>>> )
>>> class Order(object):
>>>    pass
>>> class OrderDetail(object):
>>>    pass
>>> order_mapper = mapper(Order, orders_table,
>>>        properties=dict(orderdetails=relation(OrderDetail,
>>>                        cascade='all,delete-orphan',
>>>                        single_parent=True,
>>>                        lazy=False,
>>>                        backref=backref('parentorder',
>>>                                cascade='refresh-expire,expunge'))))
>>> # ----------- totalsale -----------
>>> # note, I needed to add aliases because if you join with these tables
>>> in the rest of the query,
>>> # we need it to be un-ambiguous
>>> od_alias=orderdetails_table.alias('od__a')
>>> order_mapper.add_property('totalsale',
>>>        # totalsale is an inline view column
>>>        column_property(
>>>        select([func.sum(od_alias.c.qtyordered *
>>> od_alias.c.saleprice)],
>>>            orders_table.c.orderid==od_alias.c.orderid
>>>        ).label('totalsale')))
>>> orderdetail_mapper = mapper(OrderDetail, orderdetails_table)
>>> #metadata.create_all(engine)
>>> o=session.query(Order).all()
>>> ===============================================================
>>> Expected SQL (use_ansi=True):
>>> -------------------------------------------
>>> 2010-04-30 21:09:10,359 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9450
>>> SELECT orders.orderid AS orders_orderid, (SELECT sum(od__a.qtyordered
>>> * od__a.saleprice) AS sum_1
>>> FROM orderdetails od__a
>>> WHERE orders.orderid = od__a.orderid) AS totalsale,
>>> orderdetails_1.orderid AS orderdetails_1_orderid,
>>> orderdetails_1.lineid AS orderdetails_1_lineid,
>>> orderdetails_1.saleprice AS orderdetails_1_saleprice,
>>> orderdetails_1.qtyordered AS orderdetails_1_qtyordered
>>> FROM orders LEFT OUTER JOIN orderdetails orderdetails_1 ON
>>> orders.orderid = orderdetails_1.orderid
>>> 2010-04-30 21:09:10,360 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9450
>>> {}
>>> SQL with use_ansi=False:
>>> ------------------------------------------
>>> sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError: (DatabaseError) ORA-00936: missing
>>> expression
>>> 'SELECT orders.orderid AS orders_orderid, (SELECT
>>> sum(od__a.qtyordered * od__a.saleprice) AS sum_1 \nFROM orderdetails
>>> od__a \nWHERE orders.orderid = od__a.orderid AND ) AS totalsale,
>>> orderdetails_1.orderid AS orderdetails_1_orderid,
>>> orderdetails_1.lineid AS orderdetails_1_lineid,
>>> orderdetails_1.saleprice AS orderdetails_1_saleprice,
>>> orderdetails_1.qtyordered AS orderdetails_1_qtyordered \nFROM orders,
>>> orderdetails orderdetails_1 \nWHERE orders.orderid =
>>> orderdetails_1.orderid(+)' {}
>>> Note the " AND )" before "AS totalsale" is causing the missing
>>> expression database error.
>>> -- 
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