Just because there are configuration problems associated with adding a feature like the one I needed is absolutely no reason to abandon it when it can bring value to the tool if used correctly and in some circumstances. I considered some of those exact complications "what if it was already installed, etc" and with my company's project, where I am using this useful tool in a circumstance you may overlook (it is perfectly acceptable to have such a feature, *despite* the list of complications you mention), such a feature would have been very valuable.

Since it is useful in my case, I understand it would be valuable for others as well.

(I don't appreciate the aggressive tone of your reply, though, nor do I see how my good faith efforts to help others warrant this... how did I possibly offend you with my post??)

On the other hand, I appreciate your "correct solution" as a good approach and I'll forward this idea to an author of SQLAlchemy for his consideration.

On 5/7/2010 1:33 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
On May 7, 2010, at 9:09 AM, Kent wrote:

Consider the case where you want your setup to install third-party
software, but you want/need to pass an argument to the command line
that runs "python setup.py --argument install" or "python setup.py --
argument bdist_egg"

As far as I could research, this feature is unavailable.
And for good reason, I should think.  I really hope that nobody ever adds this 

If you require SQLAlchemy to be installed "--with-cextensions", then what 
happens when your package is installed in an environment that already has SQLAlchemy 
installed *without* that flag?  Does it stomp on the existing installation?  What if the 
user installed one already with that flag and some other flags as well?  What if it's 
system-installed and you're doing a user-install?

Basically, compile-time and install-time options are a configuration nightmare.  They should 
represent only how and where a package is installed, not what features it has. The correct solution 
to your problem would be to get SQLAlchemy to fix its broken deployment setup and split itself into 
2 packages, "SQLAlchemyCExtensions" and "SQLAlchemy", and then have your 
project depend on both, not to try to cram installer options into the dependency language.

For confirmation of this theory, you need look no further than the excruciating 
user-experience of source-based installation systems with 'variant' support, 
like gentoo's Portage and *BSD's Ports, versus the relatively non-excruciating 
experience of packaging systems which express compile-time options as different 
packages like Yum and Apt.

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