On Fri, 7 May 2010 09:01:05 -0700
David Gardner <dgard...@creatureshop.com> wrote:

> Thank you, I haven't started using hstore in my production environment
> yet, but wanted to do some tests with it as a way for users to attach
> arbitrary key/value metadata to nodes. Are you currently using a
> Gin or Gist index on your hstore columns?

This is basically what I'm doing with it, tracking arbitrary
metadata-ish things on various objects, although at this point it's for
internal use like flags and whatnot, but I expect it will extend to
user supplied data as well, in the fullness of time.

The application for which I wrote this is also not in production yet
either, so experimenting with indexes would of course be futile right

That said, I'm not sure what the practical difference is between
choosing GiST or GiN on an hstore, they both support the same set of
operators: "contains" (@>), "has key" (?), and in 9.0 the new "has all
keys" (?&) and "has any key" (?|) operators.

Speaking of which I should probably add support for the crap-ton of new
hstore features that come out in 9.0:


FWIW, I do know that GiST support in PostGIS's geometry type is stupid
fast. On a different project we're getting like 10-40msec query times to
test for polygon intersection against a table of ~200k polygonal
geographic objects on a dirt-cheap SATA dedibox, even which it picks up
hundreds of matches. My expectations are high for hstore's index
performance :)


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