On May 11, 2010, at 11:32 AM, Martin Bacovsky wrote:

> Hi all,
> I need to add support for db views in our project. I'm limited to SA 0.5 at 
> the moment and need the 
> views to be included during create_all/drop_all calls.
> I followed the recomended recipe 
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/Views and modified 
> it work with SA 0.5. My View function looks like this:
> def View(name, metadata, selectable):
>    t = Table(name, metadata)
>    for c in selectable.c:
>        c._make_proxy(t)
>    create_ddl_1 = "DROP TABLE %s" % (name)
>    create_ddl_2 = "CREATE VIEW %s AS %s" % (
>        name, selectable)
>    drop_ddl_1 = "DROP VIEW %s" % (name)
>    drop_ddl_2 = "CREATE TABLE %s(id integer)" % (name)
>    DDL(create_ddl_1).execute_at('after-create', t)
>    DDL(create_ddl_2).execute_at('after-create', t)
>    DDL(drop_ddl_1).execute_at('before-drop', t)
>    DDL(drop_ddl_2).execute_at('before-drop', t)
>    return t
> The problem is that SA doesn't know that the view has to be created after the 
> referenced tables  
> (I'm not sure if this issue is resolved in the recipe/SA 0.6 at all). 
> I monkey-patched sqlalchemy.sql.util.sort_tables to include my dependency 
> tuples, but I'd like to 
> have nicer solution. Is there one? If not what are the flaws in my plan, I 
> have to be prepared for?

you should set the create views for the "after-create" event of the Metadata 
itself.    An API that supports the addition of arbitrary dependency tuples to 
be used in sort_tables might be nice someday as well but I don't think you need 
it here (such an API would mean that there would have to be some way to add 
"creates" to the metadata that aren't table objects, too).

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