On 12 Mag, 16:56, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> not sure what the question is here.
> TIMESTAMP will always generate TIMESTAMP on the DDL side if you use 0.6.
> In Python, you only have datetime.datetime() objects as actual values.  There 
> is no "TIMESTAMP" value-holding object in Python.

So, I can define a table field as TIMESTAMP. Put an integer (a good
one, rounding a float) during my INSERT operation and then, during a
SELECT, SQLAlchemy (I'm using the 0.5.8) returns me a python DATETIME
object. And finallyI have to convert it to an INTEGER using
datetime.datetime methods (or time methods, I don't remember now). I
understand that. Is it ok? Is it reasonable?

At this point, can I store directly an integer value. It is probably
faster, isn't it?


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