On May 20, 2010, at 5:25 AM, Tobias wrote:

> Hi,
> I am working on Oracle support for GeoAlchemy and having problems when
> trying to insert NULL values into geometry columns.
> spot_null = Spot(spot_height=None, spot_location=None)
> session.add(spot_null)
> session.commit();
> DatabaseError: (DatabaseError) ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes:
> 'INSERT INTO spots (spot_id, spot_height, spot_location) VALUES
> (spots_id_seq.nextval, :spot_height, :spot_location) RETURNING
> spots.spot_id INTO :ret_0' {'spot_location': None, 'spot_height':
> None, 'ret_0': <cx_Oracle.NUMBER with value None>}
> The problem is that Oracle requires a type for bind parameters, and
> cx_Oracle -when using None- choses CHAR, because 'CHAR seems the most
> likely to cause the least difficulties', see [1]. I hope cx_Oracle
> will provide a proper way to use NULL for Oracle objects in near
> future.
> But right now I am wondering if there is still a way to insert NULL
> values into geometry columns. Does SQLAlchemy maybe have a column
> flag, so that the column is not used as bind parameter? Or something
> else?
> At the moment as workaround I set the attribute of my object to a
> select that queries NULL. It works but that is not a solution:
> spot_null = Spot(spot_height=None,
> spot_location=select([text('NULL')], from_obj=['dual']))

bindparam() supports a type_ attribute, and we send cx_oracle typing 
information for all binds except for strings (which for some reason seem to 
make things work more poorly).   Not sure what the context here is though, i.e. 
at what point are the bindparams being generated etc.

if you really didn't want to bind them, then the insert() statement has to be 
constructed that way.  I.e. it can't be execute(stmt, {'foo':None}), that's too 
late in the process. 

need more context here.

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