A while ago I had a look at Clojure (http://www.clojure.org). What I
especially liked is the software transactional memory. I figured that
the same functionality should be doable with SQLAlchemy, although it
will probably be slower.

I am now working on an interactive application which keeps a lot of
objects in memory. Given that python does not offer protection of member
variables, I fear that a reference to a list escapes and is overriden

In Clojure, changes to transactional memory are disallowed outside of a

user=> (def data (ref "foo"))
user=> (deref data)
user=> (ref-set data "bar")
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No transaction running
user=> (dosync (ref-set data "bar"))
user=> (deref data)

I was expecting the same of SQLAlchemy with autocommit=True sessions.
However, the following code shows that this does not work:

import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlalchemy.orm as orm

metadata = sa.MetaData()
class Data(object): pass
data_table = sa.Table("data", metadata,
        sa.Column("name", sa.String, primary_key=True))
orm.mapper(Data, data_table)

engine = sa.create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:", echo=True)
maker = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine, autocommit=True)
session = maker()

assert not session.is_active
d1 = Data()
d1.name = "an_entry"
# -> I would expect an exception here as we are outside of any
# transaction!

with session.begin():
    d2 = Data()
    d2.name = "another_entry"

# This will fail as there are two entries now.

Is there a supported way to enforce explicitly starting a transaction
before adding or updating any persistent objects?

My ultimate goal is:
- have the working set of persistent objects in memory (read only by
- when user requests a change, start a transaction and update the db
- by default, don't expire the in-memory objects (this is a local DB
using SQLite, usually only a single app will have access at a time)
- when the user hits f5 (File->Refresh), expire all persistent objects
and refresh the GUI

Greetings, Torsten

DYNAmore Gesellschaft fuer Ingenieurdienstleistungen mbH
Torsten Landschoff

Büro Dresden
Tel: +49-(0)351-4519587
Fax: +49-(0)351-4519561


Registergericht: Mannheim, HRB: 109659, Sitz: Karlsruhe,
Geschäftsführer:  Prof. Dr. K. Schweizerhof, Dipl.-Math. U. Franz

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