I would like to restore the TINYINT(1) for all tables.

I am using reflection to get the tables.

The docs talk about passing in override value for the columns that I to
want change from the database as parameters to the table object on
when reflecting. Since I have no idea what columns are TINYINT(1) until
I reflect the table I would like to then modify the table object
replace all the TINYINT(1) with BOOLEAN after the table has been reflected.

I can scan the table looking for in table.c for the column I want to replace.

When I find 1 can then create Column object for that column copying few items
like defaults, null and column name. I then want to replace the column object
in the table with the column object I just created.

Can I just call append_column (new_column) or is there a better way to handle
this. (will append_column even work as the column already exists)

I will then want to use this table to pass to the orm so that I use the orm
for handling the record.

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