Oops, the line user_data = user.get('USERID')  should have read

user_data = user_query.get('USERID')

For now, we're just going to stick with calling "session.refresh"
after each get.  Thanks for the help.


On Jun 1, 11:08 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> On Jun 1, 2010, at 1:14 AM, David wrote:
> > Thanks for the response, Michael.  Sorry, I forgot to mention how we
> > are committing the data.  Here is a skinned-down version of the code
> > that returns "old" data when switching between web servers.
> > engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(ALCHEMY_DATABASE)
> > Session = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)
> > session = Session()
> > session.expire_all()
> > user_query = session.query(User)
> > user_data = user.get('USERID')
> > #session.refresh(user_data)  <--- this seems to fix the problem
> > try:
> >    user_data.var = user_data.var + 1
> >    session.add(user_data)
> >    session.commit()
> > except:
> >    session.rollback()
> > class User(Base):
> >    __table__ = Table('user', Base.metadata,
> >        Column('user_id', String(10), primary_key=True),
> >        Column('var', Integer, default=0, server_default='0'),
> >        mysql_engine='InnoDB'
> >    )
> > Interestingly enough, adding "session.refresh(user_data)" right after
> > the "get" seems to be fixing the problem.  But I'm confused, since I
> > thought "session.expire_all()" should have the same effect.  I don't
> > want to add a "refresh" after every get in our code, since I'm afraid
> > it might require multiple calls to the database.
> the expire_all has the same effect, yes.   You'd need to reproduce your 
> behavior in an isolated test case to illustrate what you're doing.   For 
> example I see a "user.get()" up there, would need to know what that is, etc.

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