On Jun 1, 3:31 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> On Jun 1, 2010, at 1:06 PM, SQLAlchemy User wrote:
> > I have two tables (both declarative representations): the first,
> > Device, describes devices (device ID, import time, other details), and
> > the second, DeviceState, lists state changes for those devices (device
> > ID, old state, new state, timestamp). The device table is imported
> > daily and contains state information at the time the export is
> > performed. The state changes come in to DeviceState as the devices
> > change state.
> > I have a property on Device as follows:
> > @property
> > def curradminstate(self):
> > return
> > Session.query(DeviceState.adminstate).filter(DeviceState.deviceid ==
> > self.deviceid).filter(DeviceState.insert_ts >
> > self.import_ts).order_by(desc(DeviceState.insert_ts)).limit(1).scalar()
> > or self.adminstate
> > ... and this "works" as expected: that is, I can query
> > device.curradminstate as a property instead of a method.
> > I'd like to create a Comparator so I can do something like the
> > following:
> > Session.Query(Device).filter(Device.curradminstate == "ACTIVE")
> you don't need a custom comparator here, you just want to map a column 
> attribute to a correlated subquery, such as that illustrated 
> inhttp://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/mappers.html#sql-expressions-as-mapped....  
> you have an "I want the max(related X)" type of pattern which is fairly 
> common, I should get around to adding several examples for this to the wiki.

OK, I get the need for column_property, but the select is fairly
complex and involves unions of the containing class (and it hasn't
been defined yet). How do I get around this, and other questions

I think I got the SQL right (for a device with id = "foo"):

SELECT v1.adminstate
  (SELECT devices.adminstate, devices.processdate as insert_ts,
  FROM devices
  WHERE devices.deviceid = "foo")
  (SELECT devicestates.adminstate, devicestates.insert_ts,
  FROM devicestates
  WHERE devicestates.deviceid = "foo")) AS v1
ORDER BY v1.insert_ts DESC LIMIT 1;

So, three questions come to mind:
1) how do I create a select statement that references a label (I did
it using quotes - that is, select(['v1.adminstate'],...) but not sure
whether that's the most correct way, and I'm running into difficulties
later on in the order_by);
2) how do I reference Device from within the select statement that's a
column_property for Device; and
3) am I on the right track here or (more likely) am I off-base and
missing something simple (like func.max())?

Thanks again -


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