On Sun, 13 Jun 2010 13:33:39 +0530, Faheem Mitha <fah...@email.unc.edu> wrote:

> I'm going to assume comment 1 and comment 2 are unrelated. If they
> aren't, please correct me.
> As regards 1, I assume you mean try... pass... is a bad idea. I agree,
> but there is no
> in PostgreSQL, so CREATE LANGUAGE exits with an error if the language
> already exists. So, what alternative do you suggest? I guess catching
> the exception within pg itself is an option - I've done it in at least
> one other case. The advantage with that approach is that one can then
> finetune the catching of the exception more precisely. However, I
> don't know if this is relevant to what you mean.
> As far as 2, I'm not sure what "transactionalized execution" is. I
> tried Googling for this, and came up, for example, with
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/dbengine.html#using-transactions-with-connection
> but this didn't help me understand what the problem was. If the
> problem is that the transaction does not commit immediately, why
> should that cause an error?
> I remembered that text() has the autocommit=True option, and tried
> using it with create_drop_constraint_if_exists_function, but it didn't
> help.

[Following up to myself]





makes this work. I'm still not sure what is happening here, but
possibly session.execute(create_plpgsql) needs a chance to clean up
after itself before another transaction? If that is right, then your
two comments were in fact related. :-) I note that setting
autocommit=True on create_plpgsql doesn't work, presumably because it
errors out, and therefore cannot be committed.

Regardless, a expert explanation would be appreciated.

Would using something like
http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/CREATE_OR_REPLACE_LANGUAGE be a
reasonable solution to this? Then the try except would not be

                                                 Thanks, Faheem.

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