
    I am using SA-oracle for my application.
    I need to write an oracle query  in which i need to use BITAND
oracle bitwise operator

    Is SA provides this functionality?
    DECODE(BITAND(task_calendars.day ,day1)))

    The SA QUERY is

  SELECT task_calendars.cal_id AS task_calendars_cal_id,
task_calendars.task_id AS task_calendars_task_id, task_calendars.dow
AS task_calendars_dow, task_calendars.month AS task_calendars_month,
task_calendars.day AS task_calendars_day, task_calendars.hour AS
task_calendars_hour, task_calendars.minute AS task_calendars_minute,
tasks_1.task_id AS tasks_1_task_id, tasks_1.task_type AS
tasks_1_task_type, tasks_1.name AS tasks_1_name, tasks_1.entity_id AS
tasks_1_entity_id, tasks_1.entity_name AS tasks_1_entity_name,
tasks_1.context AS tasks_1_context, tasks_1.params AS tasks_1_params,
tasks_1.kw_params AS tasks_1_kw_params, tasks_1.processors AS
tasks_1_processors, tasks_1.user_name AS tasks_1_user_name,
tasks_1.submitted_on AS tasks_1_submitted_on, tasks_1.repeating AS
tasks_1_repeating, tasks_1.cancellable AS tasks_1_cancellable \nFROM
task_calendars LEFT OUTER JOIN tasks tasks_1 ON tasks_1.task_id =
WHERE (task_calendars.dow = :dow_1 OR (task_calendars.dow & :dow_2))
> :param_1' {'dow_2': 1, 'dow_1': 0, 'param_1': False}

  I would appreciate any help.

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