On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 01:06:04PM -0400, Michael Bayer wrote:
> you can do the multi-schema thing using either a PoolListener, or a
> Table subclass that implements a @property for the "schema" attribute
> - in both cases these would be linked to a thread local variable that
> you would set per request.   If the load per site is low, you can also
> forego the usage of pooling to eliminate the issue of dormant
> connections (possibly look into something like pgpool, perhaps they
> have some feature that optimizes this use case).

Both approach would work. The PoolListener looks a bit better, the Table
subclass looks a bit hackish. BTW I am not planning to use threads, I'll
just use a dozen python processes to make sure the site is responsive
under heavy load. This should simplify pooling quite a bit, I'll just
use a StaticPool.

> As far as approach, consider the load each per-user site will have,
> and how you might scale out to include multiple database servers.
> I'd grep around the PG docs and wiki carefully to get a full grasp of
> the implications of each approach.

Yes, scaling was one of the motivation for this approach, I definitely
need to learn more about how PG would handle this.

Simplifying the architecture was the main motivation. I don't want to
have a column `site_id` in every table. Also I think that putting
everything in its own schema would improve performance dramatically:
instead of big indexes for all sites, there'll be small indexes for each

Thank-you so much, your reply helped a great deal.

  Henry PrĂȘcheur

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