Hi ,

I am testing sqlalchemy-migrate with a DB revision script that adds a
table to my database.  Two questions here, but first system info:

TG2 Framework (tg.devtools 2.0.2) with
MySQL 5.1.41
sqlalchemy V0.5.1
OS X 10.6.4

1) How do I use DeclarativeBase when defining my tables in migrate
scripts?  I Googled this and saw nothing in the manual.  Is it

This works fine:
test_case = Table ('test_case', meta,
        Column ('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column('name', Unicode(255), nullable=False),

def upgrade():

But do I do this?  Part of the problem is that I don't know of a way
to generate tables other than  create_all() (or drop_all()) when using
declarative syntax.  Is there another way?

mysql_engine_type = InnoDB
class TestCase (DeclarativeBase):
        __table_args__ = {'mysql_engine':mysql_engine_type}

        id = Column (Integer, primary_key=True)
        name = Column (Unicode(255), nullable=False)

        def __init__(self, name):
                self.name = name

def upgrade():

2) Can MySQL wrap Table.create() in a transaction so that if something
fails during upgrade/downgrade I don't litter up my DB with tables?  I
don't think MySQL can, but maybe I am wrong.  I think some others
(PostgreSQL) can.

def upgrade():
        connection = migrate_engine.connect()
        transaction = connection.begin()
                test_case.create(bind=connection) # Always seems to happen, even
during rollback
                w1 = WeightCode('testw1')
                w2 = WeightCode('testw2')
                session.add(w1) # Doesn't insert on rollback
                session.add(w2) # Doesn't insert on rollback
                session.add(w3) # Fail
                print "UPGRADE FAILURE, ROLLING BACK"

I like the idea behind migrate, but have been using DeclarativeBase
throughout my application.  Having to switch between the Table/mapper
& Base syntax is a bit awkward, so I am hoping there is a more direct,
all DeclarativeBase way of doing things.

Thanks for the help,


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