Hi devs,

I need to write a query where two tags match one product. I wrote
simple test-case I'm using with sqlite:


#!/usr/bin/env python
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.sql import and_, or_

engine = create_engine("sqlite://", echo=True)
metadata = MetaData(engine)

TagTable = Table(
  "tag", metadata,

  Column("tag_id"             , Integer      , primary_key=True),
  Column("tag_name"           , Unicode(128) , nullable=False)

ProductTable = Table(
  "product", metadata,

  Column("product_id"         , Integer      , primary_key=True),
  Column("product_name"       , Unicode(128) , nullable=False)

TagToProductTable = Table(
  "tag_to_product", metadata,

  Column("tag_id"             , Integer      ,
ForeignKey(ProductTable.c.product_id), nullable=False,
  Column("product_id"         , Integer      ,
ForeignKey(TagTable.c.tag_id), nullable=False, primary_key=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

  engine.execute(TagTable.insert(values={"tag_name": u"Tag 1"}))
  engine.execute(TagTable.insert(values={"tag_name": u"Tag 2"}))

  engine.execute(ProductTable.insert(values={"product_name": "Product A"}))
  engine.execute(ProductTable.insert(values={"product_name": "Product B"}))

  engine.execute(TagToProductTable.insert(values={"tag_id": 1,
"product_id": 1}))
  engine.execute(TagToProductTable.insert(values={"tag_id": 2,
"product_id": 1}))

  print "----------------------------------"
  result = engine.execute(
        or_(TagToProductTable.c.tag_id==1, TagToProductTable.c.tag_id==2)
      ).correlate(TagToProductTable) == 2
  print "----------------------------------"

  for item in result:
    print item.product_name


Current code will raise OperationalError: no such column: False

Problem is that I not understand how to write the sub-select. I know
that there are other solutions than sub-select, but I'd like to
understand this method first.

I'm using latest SqlAlchemy and Python. Any hint will be appreciated;)

NOTE: I read the manual and API documentation, but it not helped me,
is there some SQLA example where something like this is used?

Best regards
- Petr Kobalicek <http://kobalicek.com>

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