I have a Declarative Base model that is laid out like:

content -> page ->  block

block is a meta that points to a block table and a further object of
element.  page is a many to many to block placement, but, is a one to
one to block, blocks is a many to many to elements.

As part of the processing in the template, I need to pass
content.page.block[1] to a mako function where [1] is determined by a
match on the one to one name.

Basically, I need to get the position of:

content.page.blocks[].block.name where block.name = 'whatever'

so that I can pass content.page.blocks to my mako function.

As a temporary workaround, I've done the following which loops through
the objects, but, is there any way to force SQLAlchemy to use a
dictionary rather than a list when addressing blocks?

<%def name='element(blockname, content)'>
<% print content.page.blocks[0].block.name %>
% for block in content.page.blocks:
  % if block.block.name == blockname:
    % for element in block.elements:
      <% output = getattr(h.CMS(), element.element.function)() %>
    % endfor
  % endif
% endfor

In this situation, I need to know if content.page.blocks[0].block.name
== blockname and then pass content.page.blocks to h.CMS().

Or am I missing something obvious here?

Thank you.

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