Hello list -

Another month (more or less), another release.    SQLAlchemy 0.6.2 is out.   
Highlights of this release:

- one showstopper was fixed.  Firebird support was busted for 0.6.1, repaired 

- one semi-showstopper, though we've all been putting up with it for a long 
time, was fixed.  The "non unicode warning" message doesn't embed the value 
anymore - the reason this is important is so that warning strings don't pile up 
in memory.   

- If you were on an ancient MySQL 3.2.3 type of version, your show was 
similarly stopped.  Kludged around one particular issue there (case() is 
ignored on that platform).

- ever do this ? query.join(Destination, Destiantion.id==Parent.dest_id).  Yeah 
me too.  That will raise an error now.   (in case you don't know what I'm 
talking about, the subtlety is:  query.join((Destination, 

- Declarative mixins can do everything now.   You need to use 
sqlalchemy.util.classproperty in most cases to do it.  It's all in the docs.

- The new numeric approach we use with Oracle needed some tweaking.

- I'm using "post_update" heavily in my current project.  Historically, if you 
flushed 1000 objects with three post_update relationships each, you'd get 3000 
UPDATE statements.   Now you'll usually get a single UPDATE statement with 1000 
sets of parameters.  This is thanks to the unit of work rewrite of 0.6.

- a bunch of bug fixes, quirky things other people bugged me to change and/or 
fix, or that I stumbled over.     

- improvements to the little-known make_transient() method, again because I'm 
using it.  There's a cool new recipe that uses it at 
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/VersionedRows .

- the docs slowly get better, less obsolete, more complete.   Everyone should 
stroll through them periodically both to catch up on new / previously unknown 
things, as well as to alert me of fixes that are needed.

Download SQLAlchemy 0.6.2 at:


- orm
  - Query.join() will check for a call of the
    form query.join(target, clause_expression), 
    i.e. missing the tuple, and raise an informative
    error message that this is the wrong calling form.
  - Fixed bug regarding flushes on self-referential 
    bi-directional many-to-many relationships, where
    two objects made to mutually reference each other
    in one flush would fail to insert a row for both
    sides.  Regression from 0.5. [ticket:1824]
  - the post_update feature of relationship() has been
    reworked architecturally to integrate more closely
    with the new 0.6 unit of work.  The motivation 
    for the change is so that multiple "post update"
    calls, each affecting different foreign key
    columns of the same row, are executed in a single
    UPDATE statement, rather than one UPDATE 
    statement per column per row.   Multiple row
    updates are also batched into executemany()s as 
    possible, while maintaining consistent row ordering.
  - Query.statement, Query.subquery(), etc. now transfer
    the values of bind parameters, i.e. those specified
    by query.params(), into the resulting SQL expression.
    Previously the values would not be transferred
    and bind parameters would come out as None.
  - Subquery-eager-loading now works with Query objects
    which include params(), as well as get() Queries.

  - Can now call make_transient() on an instance that
    is referenced by parent objects via many-to-one,
    without the parent's foreign key value getting
    temporarily set to None - this was a function
    of the "detect primary key switch" flush handler.
    It now ignores objects that are no longer 
    in the "persistent" state, and the parent's 
    foreign key identifier is left unaffected.

  - query.order_by() now accepts False, which cancels
    any existing order_by() state on the Query, allowing
    subsequent generative methods to be called which do 
    not support ORDER BY.  This is not the same as the 
    already existing feature of passing None, which 
    suppresses any existing order_by() settings, including 
    those configured on the mapper.  False will make it
    as though order_by() was never called, while
    None is an active setting.

  - An instance which is moved to "transient", has
    an incomplete or missing set of primary key 
    attributes, and contains expired attributes, will
    raise an InvalidRequestError if an expired attribute
    is accessed, instead of getting a recursion overflow.

  - The make_transient() function is now in the generated
  - make_transient() removes all "loader" callables from
    the state being made transient, removing any
    "expired" state - all unloaded attributes reset back
    to undefined, None/empty on access.
- sql
  - The warning emitted by the Unicode and String types
    with convert_unicode=True no longer embeds the actual
    value passed.   This so that the Python warning
    registry does not continue to grow in size, the warning
    is emitted once as per the warning filter settings, 
    and large string values don't pollute the output.

  - Fixed bug that would prevent overridden clause
    compilation from working for "annotated" expression
    elements, which are often generated by the ORM.
  - The argument to "ESCAPE" of a LIKE operator or similar
    is passed through render_literal_value(), which may 
    implement escaping of backslashes.  [ticket:1400]
  - Fixed bug in Enum type which blew away native_enum
    flag when used with TypeDecorators or other adaption

  - Inspector hits bind.connect() when invoked to ensure
    initialize has been called.  the internal name ".conn"
    is changed to ".bind", since that's what it is.
  - Modified the internals of "column annotation" such that
    a custom Column subclass can safely override
    _constructor to return Column, for the purposes of 
    making "configurational" column classes that aren't 
    involved in proxying, etc.

  - Column.copy() takes along the "unique" attribute
    among others, fixes [ticket:1829] regarding declarative

- postgresql
  - render_literal_value() is overridden which escapes
    backslashes, currently applies to the ESCAPE clause
    of LIKE and similar expressions.   
    Ultimately this will have to detect the value of 
    "standard_conforming_strings" for full behavior.  

  - Won't generate "CREATE TYPE" / "DROP TYPE" if
    using types.Enum on a PG version prior to 8.3 - 
    the supports_native_enum flag is fully
    honored.  [ticket:1836]
- mysql
  - MySQL dialect doesn't emit CAST() for MySQL version 
    detected < 4.0.2.  This allows the unicode
    check on connect to proceed. [ticket:1826]

  - MySQL dialect now detects NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES sql
    mode, in addition to ANSI_QUOTES.  
  - render_literal_value() is overridden which escapes
    backslashes, currently applies to the ESCAPE clause
    of LIKE and similar expressions.   This behavior
    is derived from detecting the value of 
    NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES.  [ticket:1400]
- oracle:
  - Fixed ora-8 compatibility flags such that they
    don't cache a stale value from before the first
    database connection actually occurs. [ticket:1819]

  - Oracle's "native decimal" metadata begins to return
    ambiguous typing information about numerics
    when columns are embedded in subqueries as well
    as when ROWNUM is consulted with subqueries, as we 
    do for limit/offset.  We've added these ambiguous 
    conditions to the cx_oracle "convert to Decimal()" 
    handler, so that we receive numerics as Decimal 
    in more cases instead of as floats.  These are 
    then converted, if requested, into Integer
    or Float, or otherwise kept as the lossless
    Decimal [ticket:1840].

- mssql
  - If server_version_info is outside the usual
    range of (8, ), (9, ), (10, ), a warning is emitted
    which suggests checking that the FreeTDS version 
    configuration is using 7.0 or 8.0, not 4.2.
- firebird
  - Fixed incorrect signature in do_execute(), error 
    introduced in 0.6.1. [ticket:1823]

  - Firebird dialect adds CHAR, VARCHAR types which
    accept a "charset" flag, to support Firebird
    "CHARACTER SET" clause.  [ticket:1813]
- declarative
   - Added support for @classproperty to provide 
     any kind of schema/mapping construct from a 
     declarative mixin, including columns with foreign 
     keys, relationships, column_property, deferred.
     This solves all such issues on declarative mixins.
     An error is raised if any MapperProperty subclass
     is specified on a mixin without using @classproperty.
     [ticket:1751] [ticket:1796] [ticket:1805]
   - a mixin class can now define a column that matches
     one which is present on a __table__ defined on a 
     subclass.  It cannot, however, define one that is 
     not present in the __table__, and the error message
     here now works.  [ticket:1821]

- compiler extension
  - The 'default' compiler is automatically copied over
    when overriding the compilation of a built in
    clause construct, so no KeyError is raised if the
    user-defined compiler is specific to certain 
    backends and compilation for a different backend
    is invoked. [ticket:1838]
- documentation
  - Added documentation for the Inspector. [ticket:1820]

  - Fixed @memoized_property and @memoized_instancemethod
    decorators so that Sphinx documentation picks up 
    these attributes and methods, such as 
    ResultProxy.inserted_primary_key. [ticket:1830]

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