> > I've managed to fix it using sqalchemy.orm.outerjoin in conjunction
> > with query's select_from function. Out of interest, why is the naming
> > scheme different for these 2 functions?
> which two names/functions are you referring to ?

outerjoin and select_from, one seems to be lower case, the other,
lower case with underscores. Is this because one is a function and the
other is a method?

unfortunately this:

query(Vote).outerjoin((Vote, subquery.c.max_id==Vote.id))

generates invalid SQL and this:

query(Vote).outerjoin((subquery, subquery.c.max_id==Vote.id))

has the join backwards, as ordering counts. I was trying things like:

subquery.outerjoin((Vote,  subquery.c.max_id==Vote.id))

This generates the rather indecipherable error "AttributeError:
'_TextClause' object has no attribute 'foreign_keys'". If you try
doing the same query, but don't generate a subquery first the error is
"Not unique table/alias: 'votes'".

But as I say I found a workaround using the orm.outerjoin function, so
this is rather academic from my perspective.



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