On Jul 13, 2010, at 10:31 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

> On Jul 13, 2010, at 5:44 AM, Ralph Heinkel wrote:
>> Hi,
>> this might be another small bug in SA. It shows up when an Sqlite db
>> is composed of multiple sub-DBs via the 'attach' statement. This is
>> useful for mimicking schemata and allows tables to be addressed like
>> <schema>.<table> (using common dot-syntax).
>> To make the following work run this statement in your sqlite3 shell /
>> db:
>>> attach "master.db" as master;
>> The following table definition is used in SA:
>> sa_table = Table('project', metadata,
>>               Column('project_id', Integer,
>> Sequence('seq_project_id', schema='master'), primary_key=True),
>>               Column('name', String(20), nullable=False),
>>               Column('owner_id', Integer,
>> ForeignKey('master.owner.owner_id')),
>>               owner='master', schema='master')
>> which leads to a statement (through  "metadata.create_all(engine)")
>> CREATE TABLE master.project (
>>       project_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
>>       owner_id INTEGER,
>>       PRIMARY KEY (project_id),
>>        FOREIGN KEY(owner_id) REFERENCES master.owner (owner_id)
>> );
>> However this fails. The problem is   REFERENCES master.owner   where
>> sqlite complains about the dot in the referenced table name.
>> The solution could be to use square brackets (i.e.   REFERENCES
>> [master.owner]  ) or quotes  (i.e.  REFERENCES "master.owner" ) for
>> sqlite.
>> Unfortunately both solutions seem to be somehow unique to sqlite, they
>> fail e.g. with postgres. I haven't tried other DBs.
>> Any idea how to solve this?
> this is a variant of #1439.   please add a ticket to trac.

I would also add that the likely solution here would be to not render the 
REFERENCES clause at all.    The quoted solution you have seems like a hack 
which takes advantage of the fact that sqlite foreign keys are disabled by 
default and are meaningless.    I bet if you enabled foreign keys, it would 
fail.   I can find no documentation on sqlite's site indicating how to render 
foreign key references to remote databases and I'd guess its not supported.

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