On Jul 18, 2010, at 9:45 PM, Celil wrote:

> JDBC already has an sqlite backend, see these examples:
> http://wiki.python.org/jython/DatabaseExamples
> How difficult would be to add support for that in sqlachemy under jython, so 
> that one can do something like this
> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
> engine = create_engine('sqlite+zxjdbc:///database.db')

it is likely very straightforward, depending on how well the DBAPI interface is 
supported.     We had a dead stop trying to get MSSQL's JDBC driver to work 
since there's apparently no way we can get at the last inserted ID.   SQLite 
would have to give us some way of doing this since I don't think JDBC has a 
.lastrowid equivalent.

The basic idea is to drop a zxjdbc.py file into sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/ , 
fill in the appropriate classes and methods, and its good to go.   You can see 
lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/zxjdbc.py for a minimal example and 
lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/zxjdbc.py for something more elaborate.

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