Say you have a denormalized table with columns phone1, phone2, phone3
and you would like to map the class so that the .phones property is an
e.g. if I have data like
user_id, phone1, phone2, phone3
1, 1234, 5678, 9012
2, 3456,7890,1234

I would like to say something like
for p in S.query(User).get(1).phones:
   print p.ordinal, p.number

and get this as output:

  1 1234
  2 5678
  3 9012

While one could use an operator like SQL Server's UNPIVOT, I would be
quite happy to have the mapper do the magic. I was reading through the
examples/ source today so I think that what I want is
doable, I am just not sure how to approach it. I assume that I would
proxy a list-based relation?


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