It works out, thank you! How could I just retrieve some columns from
both tables? For example, if I try to select some columns from Item
and Channel, I get "<class 'sqlalchemy.util.NamedTuple'>" when I'd
like to get a channel type with its items:

result = session.query(Channel.title,
Item.title).join('items').filter(Item.typeItem == "zeppelin/

I just need some values many times, I don't need to retrieve the whole

Thanks in advance!

On Aug 3, 1:40 am, Kalium <> wrote:
> On Aug 3, 8:43 am, Alvaro Reinoso <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have these classes where items (class Item) is related to channel
> > object. Channel can contain many items:
> > channel_items = Table(
> >         "channel_items",
> >         metadata,
> >         Column("channel_id", Integer,
> >             ForeignKey("")),
> >         Column("item_id", Integer,
> >             ForeignKey(
> >     )
> > class Channel(rdb.Model):
> >     rdb.metadata(metadata)
> >     rdb.tablename("channels")
> >     id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)
> >     title = Column("title", String(100))
> >     items = relation(Item, secondary=channel_items,
> > backref="channels")
> > class Item(rdb.Model):
> >     rdb.metadata(metadata)
> >     rdb.tablename("items")
> >     id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)
> >     title = Column("title", String(100))
> > I know how to get all the columns using something like:
> > session = rdb.Session() channels =
> > session.query(Channel).order_by(Channel.title)
> > However, I'd like to select some columns from both tables with some
> > conditions in Item. For example, select all the channels where
> > item.type = 'jpg'. I'd like to get a channel object with items
> > attributes with that condition for example. How can I do that?
> > I've tried something like (no one worked out):
> > result = session.query(Channel).filter(Item.typeItem != 'zeppelin/
> > channel').all()
> > result = session.query(Channel, Item).filter(Item.typeItem !=
> > 'zeppelin/channel').all()
> > Thanks in advance!
> Try something like
> session.query(Channel).join('items').filter(Item.typeItem !=
> 'whatever').all()

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