Hi there.

I have 2 declarative_base classes: Person and Inquiry. I have created
a relationship in Inquiry with a backref to Person.
When observing the an Inquiry object the person variable correctly
points to Person, however when observing Person objects I always get
an empty list in inquiries variable.
Also on a different topic I have not been able to figure out how to do
Adjacency List Relationship here to backref Person to Person as you
can see in the referred_by variable, which I commented out.
Any help would be appreciated greatly - thank you

class Person(Base):
    __tablename__ = "people"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    names = Column(String)
    surname = Column(String)
    mobile_number = Column(Integer)
    land_number = Column(Integer)
    email = Column(String)
    address_id = Column(Integer,ForeignKey("addresses.id"))
    organization_id = Column(Integer,ForeignKey("organizations.id"))
    net_worth = Column(Integer)
    annual_net_income = Column(Integer)
    work_position_id =
    rapport = Column(Integer)
    leads_generator = Column(Integer)
    notes = Column(String)
    referred_by_id = Column(Integer,ForeignKey("people.id"))
    designation_id =
    other_contacts = Column(String)
    date_of_birth = Column(Integer)
    system_folder = Column(String)
    lead_source_id = Column(Integer,ForeignKey("leads_sources.id"))

    address = relationship(Address, backref = backref("people",
order_by = id))
    organization = relationship(Organization, backref =
backref("people", order_by = id))
    work_position = relationship(WorkPosition, backref =
backref("people", order_by = id))
    designation = relationship(Designation, backref =
backref("people", order_by = id))
    lead_source = relationship(LeadSource, backref = backref("people",
order_by = id))
    #referred_by = relationship(Person, backref =
backref("people_referred", order_by = id))

class Inquiry(Base):
    __tablename__ = "inquiries"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    projected_close_date = Column(Date)
    closed_date = Column(Date)
    opened_date = Column(Date)
    service_start_date = Column(Date)
    process_step_id = Column(Integer,
    commission = Column(Integer)
    cost = Column(Integer)
    forecast = Column(Integer)#1-5 10,30,50,70,90 %
    person_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("people.id"))
    organization_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("organizations.id"))
    product_service_id = Column(Integer,
    notes = Column(String)
    lost_date = Column(Date)

    process_step = relationship(ProcessStep, backref =
backref("inquiries", order_by = id))
    person = relationship(Person, backref = backref("inquiries",
order_by = id))
    organization = relationship(Organization, backref =
backref("inquiries", order_by = id))
    product_service = relationship(ProductService, backref =
backref("inquiries", order_by = id))

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