I'm connecting to a legacy database, some tables that I need to map in
sqla have no primary key.  I've created views for such tables that map
the ROWID as the primary key.  SQLAlchemy does a RETURNING clause when
I am connected to a more recent Oracle database, but not when
connected to 8i.

I've pasted the exact same code sqla compiled for newer oracle into an
8i session and it works fine:

Connected to:
Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning option
JServer Release - Production

SQL> show release
release 801070400
...(set up variables in sqlplus)...
SQL> INSERT INTO artransarchive (customerid, companyid, orderid,
adjinvoice, transactioncodeid, status, paymenttypeid, postdate,
amount, sourcesiteid, artype) VALUES
(:customerid, :companyid, :orderid, :adjinvoice, :transactioncodeid, :status, 
:paymenttypeid, :postdate, :amount, :sourcesiteid, :artype)
RETURNING artransarchive.artransarchiveid INTO :ret_0
  2  ;

1 row created.

SQL> print ret_0


SQL> show release
release 801070400

Are there other problems that restricted the use of RETURNING with
oracle 8i, or was it believed to not be supported?  (Note that I don't
believe Oracle 8.0 supports it... I read it was implemented in 8i)


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