On Aug 14, 2010, at 12:53 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

> I'm obviously missing some key concept as regards the management of sessions. 
> This seemingly simple usage fails:
>  def get_new():
>    sess = Session()
>    new = Something()  # new orm object
>    sess.add(new)
>    sess.commit()
>    sess.close()
>    return new
>  new = get_new()  # request a new Something
>  print new
>  print new.id
> Those last 2 print lines throw:
>  DetachedInstanceError: Instance <Something at 0x2873ed0> is not bound to
>  a Session; attribute refresh operation cannot proceed
> I seem to keep butting heads with the session needing to be a global eternal 
> thing (opposite what the docs recommend).

heh....no, the session is completely ad hoc.  What you're missing is that the 
objects associated with the session should also in most situations be treated 
as ad-hoc - they represent the state of data within a particular transaction.   

If you use them outside of a transaction, and not associated  with a session 
that would otherwise have the ability to associate them with a transaction, 
they are considered to be "detached".  "detached" is described at:


Where you'll note that "expired" attributes cannot be loaded back from the 

Why are they expired ?  Let's look at commit():


Second paragraph.  "Another behavior of commit() is that by default it expires 
the state of all instances present after the commit is complete".  

Why does it do this ?   Well, when we have a detached object, and there's no 
transaction going on (i.e. no connection that can query the DB), we know 
nothing about what is in the database at that point, so all state on the object 
is expired.   After all, if it had id =12, but some other transaction has 
deleted row 12, that object is invalid.   Without a transaction associated, it 
would be wrong for us to tell you otherwise.  Because we don't know.

Now lets assume you don't like this behavior, and your application is just set 
of operations at a time and nobody else is updating your row (assumptions 
SQLAlchemy has chosen not to make).  Fine.   Turn off expire_on_commit.    Then 
when you detach your objects, all their attributes are still present, and you 
can access them freely.

So what if we made this the default.  What kinds of complaints, which btw we 
never get anymore, would we have then ?   Well, we'd have (and we had, all the 
time) this complaint:

sess1 = Session()
x1 = sess1.query(X).first()
x1.foo = 'bar'

sess2 = Session()
x2 = sess2.query(X).first()
x2.foo = 'bat'

# x1 is still present in the Session's identity map
x1 = sess1.query(X).first()
assert x1.foo == 'bat' # ugh SQLALCHEMY IS BROKEN !

so we default to the more "transaction hugging" behavior by default - where the 
error message you get is at least very straightforward, instead of a subtle 
effect like this one.

> Can someone explain how this is supposed to be done?

When you work with mapped objects, you're working with your database.   A 
Session() should be in place and a transaction is in progress.    Its only if 
you want to store mapped objects in some kind of offline cache, or pass them to 
other usage contexts, that you'd want to keep "detached" objects around.   And 
when you go to use a "detached" object, you put it back into a context where it 
again is a proxy to some ongoing database operation, i.e. put it in the session 
for the current operation - often this transfer of state is done via merge(), 
so that if the destination session already has the object in question present, 
it will reconcile the incoming state with what it already has.   The 
"load=False" setting of merge() prevents the usage of a SELECT from loading 
existing state, if you are working with long term immutable data and don't want 
the extra SELECT emitted.

Alternatively, if you really want to pass around detached objects and make use 
of their detached state, even though that state may be stale or even deleted 
vs. what's in the database, you can disable expire_on_commit - if you are 
making ad-hoc sessions for usage in single functions, just pass it to that 
specific session constructor.

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