I have, simplified, the following models:

class Booking(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)

class PlanBooking(Booking):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(Booking.id),

class FeatureBooking(Booking):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(Booking.id),
    plan_booking_id = db.Column(db.Integer,

That is, for each plan, additional features can be purchased, and both
a purchased plan, and a purchased feature have the same set of base
fields. I'm using joined-inheritance.

SQLAlchemy will complain "Can't determine join between 'booking' and
'feature_booking'; tables have more than one foreign key constraint
relationship between them. Please specify the 'onclause' of this join
explicitly.", for the declaration of the FeatureBooking class.

Using Google, I managed to avoid this by adding, to the FeatureBooking

    __mapper_args__ = {
        'inherit_condition': (Booking.id == id),

I assume this is correct, since it seems to make it work.

Now I would like to map the relationship between FeatureBooking and
PlanBooking, so I define inside FeatureBooking:

    plan_booking = db.relationship(PlanBooking,

SQLAlchemy says: Could not determine join condition between parent/
child tables on relationship FeatureBooking.plan_booking. Specify a
'primaryjoin' expression.

So I change this to:

    plan_booking = db.relationship(PlanBooking,

And indeed, that seems to work. I don't even need to repeat the
primaryjoin for the backref, it seems to pick it up non-the-less.

So what I'm unsure about is why I need to do all this - it would seem
that SQLAlchemy could determine on it's own both how to a) join the
inheritance relationship, as well as the "plan_booking" relationship -
both clearly target separate models, and for both models there is a
separate, matching ForeignKey. If I had to guess I would think that
SQLAlchemy in some form considers the FeatueBooking.id and Booking.id
fields to be identical, and thus sees only two identical ForeignKeys
with the same target.

In fact, if the "plan_booking_id" field is not defined as a ForeignKey
at all, the "plan_booking" relationship is accepted by SQLAlchemy
without an explicit primaryjoin expression - SQLAlchemy will
automatically choose to join FeatureBooking.id == Booking.id, which is
of course wrong.

So I'm not sure - is this a bug that I should report, just a
deficiency that might not be fixable, or am I missing something and/or
this an easier way to do it?

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