On Aug 27, 2010, at 4:39 AM, Warwick Prince wrote:

> Hi Michael
> OK, I've invested (wasted?) my entire day on this connection issue and have 
> the following to report.  Hopefully, the hints I've managed to find may 
> trigger something with you that will point me in the right direction.
> In recap; the issue was I could not get a simple engine to connect to the 
> MySQL database.  This used to work on this server with the current 
> configuration and simply seemed to stop working.
> e = create_engine('mysql+mysqlconnector://user:passw...@', 
> encoding='utf8', echo=False)
> e.connect()
> (Traceback below from previous messages)
> So, I followed all the code through and found that it actually failing at the 
> point where in cursor.py it's attempting to create a new cursor.
>     def set_connection(self, db):
>         try:
>             if isinstance(db.conn.protocol,protocol.MySQLProtocol):
>                 self.db = weakref.ref(db)
>                 if self not in self.db().cursors:
>                     self.db().cursors.append(self)
>         except Exception as message:
>             raise errors.InterfaceError(errno=2048)
> The db appears to be correct (I looked), protocol.MySQLProtocol appears to be 
> correct BUT db.conn = None !  Therefore it raises 2048
> So, after many hours I can not find where db.conn is set or what it is 
> supposed to be in the first place!    Note: I have a virtually identical 
> setup on my XP VM, and the same example of engine.connect() works fine.
> What I'm looking for is a little info on what db.conn should be, where is it 
> set, how can it be NOT set etc.    Your help would be most appreciated.
> Incidentally, all was not a waste of time as I traversed nearly ALL of the SA 
> code today and picked up a few nice tips..  Thanks! :-)

Well, that above is not part of SQLAlchemy.   I would assume, since its called 
cursor.py and is dealing with MySQL internals, that its part of MySQL 
connector, so you should email on their list (and also you can test things 
without SQLAlchemy at all, just use a script with MySQL connector directly).

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