Hi devs,

how to get column type from a column instance?

Imagine following table:

RecordTable = Table('t_record', metadata,
  Column('record_id', Integer, primary_key = True),
  Column('dep', Integer, default=None)

I can get my column using:

engine = engine_from_config({
  "sqlalchemy.url": "postgresql:///",
  "sqlalchemy.convert_unicode": True,
  "sqlalchemy.echo": True
}, prefix="sqlalchemy.")

metadata = MetaData()
metadata.bind = engine

column = RecordTable.c.dep

Now I'd like to print (for example) 'column' type for 'engine'. This
is same type which will be used when I use metadata.create_all().

The best I can print is:
  print column.type.get_dbapi_type(engine.dialect.dbapi).name
which prints me 'NUMBER', but I'm expecting 'INT' (postgres).

Best regards
Petr Kobalicek

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