You can call query.subquery().as_scalar() for now.    My problem with 
"as_scalar()" is that I hate the name, but "scalar()" is already taken.  

On Sep 1, 2010, at 1:32 AM, Russell Warren wrote:

> Another question on this...
> Is there any particular reason that orm.query objects don't have
> as_scalar methods?
> While trying to hack around and figure out how to make this work, one
> thing I definitely tried was substituting one-item-result queries in
> as scalar replacement values in a similar fashion to the select you
> showed.  It did not work because Query objects are not accepted as
> binding parameters even if they only have one column.  If there were
> an equivalent "as_scalar" call on a query as what exists for the
> Select object, it seems like this type of scalar variable substitution
> could be cleanly done and remain in the ORM frame of mind.
> To demonstrate the obvious equivalence, below is a small comparison...
>>>> s = select([]).where( == 'jack')
>>>> q = sess.query( == "jack")
>>>> print s
> FROM users
> WHERE = :name_1
>>>> print q
> SELECT AS users_id
> FROM users
> WHERE = :name_1
>>>> s.as_scalar()
> <sqlalchemy.sql.expression._ScalarSelect at 0x1a40a90; Select object>
>>>> q.as_scalar()
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "<string>", line 1, in <fragment>
> AttributeError: 'Query' object has no attribute 'as_scalar'
> If queries had as_scalar(), the equivalent way to add an address with
> one query would just be...
> uid = sess.query( == "jack").as_scalar()
> sess.add(Address(user_id = uid,
>         email_address = 'blah'))
> which is 100% readable and logical to me, at least from a usage
> perspective.  You would just need to know about the as_scalar method.
> Having said that, the more I look at the combo ORM+select way, that is
> also quite logical and readable.  I just need to burn into my mind
> that the base sql toolkit and orm work really nicely together and that
> I don't necessarily need to stick to one side of the fence.
> -- 
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